Turbo Energy, S.A. announced that Movistar has launched Turbo Energy's GoSolar offering for sale this week through Movistar's energy branch, Solar360. GoSolar by Turbo Energy is a revolutionary solution consisting of a small microinverter and lightweight, flexible panels that can be plugged into any household outlet, allowing end-users to install the device themselves without requiring special permits or the assistance of professional installers. This product is designed to offer an affordable solution to any user profile in locations with solar exposure, aiming to reduce home electricity costs and minimize their carbon footprint.

GoSolar complements Turbo Energy's range of available products, which spans from this small "Do it yourself" kit to the industrial version launched in 2023, as well as the successful all-in-one residential version. All Turbo Energy products come with a mobile application designed for end-users, enabling them to monitor their system's energy usage and customize its operations accordingly. Through the use of Artificial Intelligence from a cloud platform, Turbo Energy optimizes the use of the generated photovoltaic energy and gathers data to provide increasingly efficient individual and community clean energy services.