Regulatory News:

Total (Paris:FP) (LSE:TTA) (NYSE:TOT) :

Chart updated around the middle of the month following the end of each quarter

    European refining      
    ?/$   margins ERMI* ($/t)**   Brent ($/b)   Average liquids price*** ($/b)   Average gas price ($/Mbtu)***
Fourth quarter 2011   1.35   15.1   109.3   104.3   6.79
Third quarter 2011   1.41   13.4   113.4   106.8   6.56
Second quarter 2011   1.44   16.3   117.0   110.6   6.60
First quarter 2011   1.37   24.6   105.4   99.5   6.19
Fourth quarter 2010   1.36   32.3   86.5   83.7   5.62

* European Refining Margin Indicator (ERMI) is an indicator intended to represent the margin after variable costs for a hypothetical complex refinery located around Rotterdam in Northern Europe that processes a mix of crude oil and other inputs commonly supplied to this region to produce and market the main refined products at prevailing prices in this region. - The indicator margin may not be representative of the actual margins achieved by Total in any period because of Total's particular refinery configurations, product mix effects or other company-specific operating conditions.

** 1 $/t = 0.136 $/b

*** consolidated subsidiaries, excluding fixed margin and buy-back contracts

Disclaimer : these data are based on Total's reporting and are not audited. They are subject to change.