(Alliance News) - According to Terna Spa data released Thursday, production from renewable sources rose 27 percent in the first six months of the year compared with the first half of 2023. This surpassed for the first time production from fossil sources, which declined by 19 percent compared to the same period in 2023, with an even more pronounced reduction in the share of coal-fired generation that dropped more than 77 percent.

In addition, from January to June, renewable hydropower production reached a record high - at 25.92 TWh, up nearly 65 percent from 15.73 TWh in January-June 2023 - thanks to a significant availability of hydropower in the North, compared with a scarcity of the resource in the South.

In the first six months of 2024, nearly 44 percent of energy demand was covered by renewables compared to 35 percent in the first six months of 2023.

This is an all-time record on a six-month basis.

During the period, renewable capacity in operation increased by 3,691 MW, including 3,341 MW of PV. This is 1,074 MW higher - up 41 percent - than in the same period of the previous year.

In the first half of the year, national demand is up 1.1 percent compared to the corresponding period in 2023, up 0.5 percent in adjusted value, confirming a moderately positive trend but at levels still lower than in 2022.

As for June, 88.5 percent of Italian electricity demand was met by domestic production and the remaining 11.5 percent by the balance of energy traded with foreign countries.

Terna on Thursday trades in the green by 0.1 percent at EUR7.45 per share.

By Maurizio Carta, Alliance News reporter

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