Super Micro Computer, Inc. announced that company has significantly increased its rack integration capacity with Silicon Valley's first clean fuel-cell energy, automated 60-rack burn-in facility with robotic Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) to expedite the processing, delivery and deployment of large-scale datacenter investments. As one of the clean energy automated rack integration facilities located at company's Silicon Valley headquarters, the new manufacturing center is now fully operational and increases company's rack capacity by 600 racks per month. Perfect for large-scale datacenter deployments, the advanced new 3-Megawatt clean fuel-cell energy integration facility enables the company to burn in 60 racks simultaneously at a single location with inventory, server integration and rack integration all under one roof. The clean fuel-cell based energy minimizes pollution, resulting in higher operational efficiencies as well as a cleaner, safer working environment. This facility generates its own clean fuel-cell based electricity on-site which dramatically reduces the carbon footprint while also reducing projected energy costs by $8 million over 10 years. A 3-Megawatt Bloom Energy Server supports the facility's energy load and is configured to maintain critical operations during grid outages to minimize the impact of public power interrupts. Compared to traditional power sources, the fuel cell delivers enhanced sustainability benefits in many ways: high efficiency, greenhouse gas emission reductions, minimized air pollutants, and reduced water use.