A new year is the ideal time to consider furthering your education, andThe Keystone School, an accredited private online school for students nationwide, is expanding upon its current offerings that deliver adult-focused pathways toward a high school diploma.

“I have a GED but wanted an accredited high school diploma,” said Jeremy Grant Wilson, 42. “Keystone meets my requirements. It offers a wide variety of choices and is flexible so I can work on my own time.”

The school’s standard pathway, which takes one to three years to complete, delivers a firm foundation in the core high school content areas, preparing students for entrance into college or other post-secondary training. A new accelerated pathway, expected to take a year or less to complete, is an ideal program for highly motivated students who were on track to graduate with 10 or more transfer credits but have been away from school for a period of years. Life and work experience can also translate into elective credits within the accelerated pathway.

“Keystone has never formally had an age limit for our students, but our expanded adult learning program means if you haven’t finished high school, we have a program designed to open more doors to post-secondary opportunities and career advancement,” said Head of School Erica Rhone. “Adult learners differ in many ways from traditionally aged students, and thanks to our expanded offerings, we are poised to better serve the adult learning population.”

Keystone students have maximum learning flexibility, and adult students develop an individualized graduation plan tailored to their specific needs. Independent online access to college and career readiness resources, certified teachers, and Keystone’s online curriculum are also hallmarks of the program.

The Keystone School begins accepting enrollments for the adult learning program and for the accelerated pathway today. Prospective students can register here for online information sessions, which will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 8, and Wednesday, Feb. 22.

About The Keystone School

The Keystone School from K12 Inc. (NYSE: LRN), the nation’s largest provider of proprietary curriculum and online education programs, is an accredited private online school for independent learners who seek a highly flexible education. With more than 40 years of experience in distance learning, we offer flexible education programs for students in all grades to help them achieve their unique academic and personal goals. Learn more at http://www.keystoneschoolonline.com.