STMicroelectronics and Fieldscale have joined forces to simplify development of touch-enabled user interfaces for smart devices containing ST’s STM32 microcontrollers (MCUs). Touch-sensitive controls are convenient and attractive for end users, and can enhance product reliability, ingress protection, and cost-effectiveness. On the other hand, development can be challenging. Using a conventional iterative design approach, optimizing to eliminate unwanted effects and ensure consistent responses for touch sensing in all operating conditions can involve building multiple prototypes. ST and Fieldscale now enable STM32 customers to take a faster and more efficient route to market by introducing support for ST’s Arm® Cortex®-based 32-bit MCUs to Fieldscale’s SENSE development platform. Fieldscale SENSE is an end-to-end solution for the design, schematic capture, and system-level simulation of capacitive touch sensors. The latest version lets STM32 users quickly design the touch sensor and PCB layout for virtual system simulation purposes. The cloud-based development platform implements sophisticated electromagnetic algorithms, which drives accurate prediction of the system performance. Users can optimize the design and quickly re-simulate to fine-tune the performance before committing to hardware. With greater assurance that first prototypes will deliver close to the desired performance, users can lower development costs and accelerate time to market. Fieldscale SENSE is available now as an online service and comes with a flexible pricing model to meet your requirements/needs. Please contact Fieldscale for further information.