Sound Oil Plc confirmed a full production test of the Sabbie reservoir at the Rapagnano field in Italy. The reservoir was tested for two three-hour drawdown periods. The first period on 1/8" choke established a commercial stabilized rate of 9,500 Scmd (0.34 MMscfd) with a flowing well head pressure of 79.2 Bar (1148 psi).

No water was produced during the test. The second period on 3/16" choke confirmed an increased stabilized rate of 13,600 Scmd (0.48 MMscfd) with a flowing well head pressure of 44.5 Bar (645 psi). The well is now shut in for a final build up period of twelve hours prior to retrieval of down-hole pressure gauges.

All the rate and pressure data obtained from the flow periods were consistent with the company's reservoir model for production of 1.3 Bscf from the field.