SomnoMed Limited reported unaudited group earnings results for the year ended June 30, 2016. For the year, the company's Revenue from sale of goods and services, net of discounts was AUD 44,084,153 against AUD 34,437,903 a year ago. Operating profit before corporate, research and business development expenses, other items of revenue expense and income tax was AUD 4,989,207 against AUD 3,581,806 a year ago. Profit before income tax was AUD 490,772 compared with AUD 697,993 a year ago. Profit after income tax for the year was AUD 67,185 compared with AUD 533,761 a Year ago. Profit for the year is attributable to Owners of the parent was AUD 165,005 compared with AUD 597,224 a year ago. Diluted earnings per share were 0.32 cents compared with 1.20 cents a year ago. Net cash inflow from operating activities was AUD 2,105,023 compared with net cash outflow from operating activities was AUD 242,225 a year ago. Payments for intangible assets were AUD 99,120 compared with AUD 143,290 a year ago. Payments for property, plant and equipment were AUD 1,907,974 compared with AUD 1,178,253 a year ago. EBITDA by 70% from AUD 870,000 in the previous year to AUD 1.475 million (as adjusted) in 2015/16. This EBITDA was achieved after absorbing AUD 625,000 in non-core expenditure.

For the fiscal year 2017, the company expects MAS volume of 72,000 MAS units, total group revenues of AUD 54 million, and EBITDA of AUD 4 million.