In the current financial environment of low, or even negative interest rates, Sogecap, Societe Generale group's life insurance company and leading bancassurance player in France, discloses an average rate credited to policyholders on its guaranteed fund of 1.35%(1), , and confirms its policy of increasing its financial reserves.

Alongside, Sogecap continues to enhance its offer of innovative unit-linked, focused on the real economy and integrating SRI funds (Socially Responsible Investments). In 2019, Sogecap records good performances on its unit-linked products, demonstrating its constant concern to provide a quality offer to its policyholders.

' As a responsible insurer, we are fully engaged to accompany in the long term our policyholders to build up their savings. Unit-linked funds can be adapted to each client's expectations in terms of anticipated return and risk appetite. They constitute an attractive alternative to euro-denominated funds. Sogecap was one of the first players to launch its retirement savings plan (PER) in the context of the recent implementation of the 'PACTE' law. This product enhances the range of long-term savings solutions that we offer to our clients', states Philippe Perret, Chief Executive Officer of Societe Generale Assurances.

Rates(1) credited to policyholders on guaranteed funds of main Life Insurance Savings policies:

Erable Essentiel: rate between 0.90% and 1.38%, depending on the policy's outstanding amount(2)

Sequoia: rate between 0.90% and 1.38%, depending on the policy's outstanding amount(2)

Ebene: rate of 1.30%

Ebene Private Banking: rate of 1.35%

(1) Average rate net of management fees and gross of social charges

(2) In accordance with the decrease of management policies fees

Press contacts :

Corentin Henry _ 01 58 98 01 75 _

Philippine Redon_ 01 57 61 81 67_

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