
Snam Rete Gas

Piazza Santa Barbara, 7

20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)

Ph.: +39 02.3703.1

Fax: +39 02.3703.9227 

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Mar '14 10

10 March 2014 - 11:50 CET

TAGS nomination, balancing, processes

Snam Rete Gas is working on a new IT solution to manage its commercial nomination and balancing processes. The aim is to provide a single communication tool that will simplify the Shippers' operational activities, optimise communication and data exchange activities between interconnected gas infrastructure users and operators, and increase the level of automation as a result of the increasing flexibility required by the market and regulation at both national and European levels.

The new IT system will be rolled out on a phased basis in 2014 (scheduled to start in the autumn), with full operations established by 2015, and will provide progressive coverage of the following processes:

  • Daily nomination process
  • Allocation and Provisional balancing
  • Allocation and Final Balancing, Adjustment session
  • Annual/six-monthly/monthly/weekly nominations
  • Harmonisation of units of measurement, Edig@s protocol
  • Intraday information

In particular, it should be noted that the platform will introduce new levels of security for data exchange between Snam Rete Gas and the Shippers (X12 protocol and Edig@s protocol), a preview of which is provided in the attached presentation.

Until it has been completely rolled out, the new platform will coexist with the existing AltraWeb and Entry Allocation IT systems.

More detailed communication will be provided in the coming months, indicating the steps to be taken to adopt the new functionality and the required action plans to be implemented.

Finally, in order to ensure that all users of the transmission service are aware of and understand the new functionality of the IT system, Snam Rete Gas will organise specific workshops and system tests to coincide with the program releases.

Documenti allegati

Enhancements in B2B integration

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