SELECT HARVESTS 2013 AGM: Michael Iwaniw Speech 22 November 2013 Introduction

Ladies and Gentlemen.
Welcome to the 2013 Annual General Meeting of Select Harvests Limited.
My name is Michael Iwaniw and as your Chairman, I will be conducting today's
meeting. Thank you for taking the time to be here today.
In a moment I will deliver my address on behalf of the Board, and I will then ask Paul Thompson, our Managing Director, to provide an update and outline of how he sees the business moving forward, in the context of operational initiatives and strategic priorities. Following Paul's presentation, we will provide some time for questions before then moving on to the formal business of the meeting.
I would now like to introduce your Board members.
Accompanying me on stage are Fred Grimwade, Ross Herron, Michael Carroll and Paul Riordan and the managing Director of Select Harvests Paul Thompson. Next to Paul Thompson is our Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary, Paul Chambers. I would also like to welcome Bart Oude-Vrielink from our lawyers, Minter Ellison and John O'Donoghue from PricewaterhouseCoopers, our auditors.
As this is my second Annual General Meeting as Chairman of Select Harvests I think it appropriate to reflect on the transformation that has occurred over the year past, and how this has confirmed to me what a great company Select Harvests is.
When I joined the Board of the Company, I came in with the impression that Select Harvests is a company with great potential and valuable assets in a compelling industry. These impressions have been more than confirmed.
At this meeting last year, we had just appointed Paul Thompson as our new CEO and Managing Director, and he had begun the realignment of the Executive Management team. We set ourselves a number of priorities in the year that followed and I am pleased to report that Paul and his team have either delivered or are on a pathway to deliver on many of these priorities.