Seeing  Machines  Limited  ("Seeing  Machines"  or  "the  Company")   Seeing  Machines  signs  more  CAT®  Dealers  to  service  mining  customers  in  Mexico  and  Colombia  

Seeing   Machines   Limited   (AIM:   SEE),   the   AIM-­‐listed   technology   company   with   a   focus   on   computer   vision   based  operator   monitoring   and   intervention   technology   services,  announces   that   its   operator   safety   division   has   signed  two  more  Caterpillar  Dealers  to  provide  Seeing  Machines  products  and  service  to  miners  in  Latin  America.    

Empresas   Matco,   S.A   de   C.V.   (MATCO)   provides   mining   services   to   the   states   of   Sonora,   Sinaloa,   Baja   California  Norte,  and  Baja  California   Sur  in  Mexico.       General   de   Equipos   de   Colombia   S.A.   (GECOLSA)  is   located   in   Colombia  and  provides  service  to  all  of  Colombia,  Guyana  and  Bahamas  (the  latter  two  through  its  affiliates).      

With   dealer   distribution   agreements   now   in   place   with   both   MATCO   and   GECOLSA,   mining   customers   in   Mexico  and   Colombia  now  have   full   access  and  support  through   CAT   dealer   networks  to  Seeing  Machines'  Driver  Safety  Systems.      

MATCO's  Technology  Solutions  Leader,  Rogelio  Nunez,  said:  

"By   choosing   to   bring   the   leading   Fatigue   Management   technology   with   Seeing   Machines,   Empresas   MATCO,   S.A.  de   C.V.   is   expanding   its  mining  technology  portfolio  with  solutions  that  leverage  our  customers'  operations  with  best   in   class   technology   products,   reducing   their   costs   and   maximizing   their   productivity.   With   market   leading  fatigue   management   technology,   Seeing   Machines   -­‐   Driver   Safety   System   (DSS)   is   a   reliable,   robust   and   easy   to  install  and  operate  solution.   We  believe  DSS  will  enable  our  customers   to  minimize  risks  associated  with  operator  fatigue  in  their  mine  sites,  increasing  safety  significantly."    

GECOLSA  -  Mining  Sales  &  Marketing  Manager,  Fredy  Daza,  stated:  

"We  are  very  pleased  with  the  benefits  this  technology  can  bring  to  our  customers,  mitigating  the  operator  fatigue  
incidents  and  providing  a  safer  work  environment."  

Seeing  Machines'  VP  -  Operations,  Russ  Armbrust,  added:  

"Fatigue   is   a   serious   issue   in   the   mining   industry.   Seeing   Machines'   Driver   Safety   System   reduces   the   danger   of  fatigue-­‐related   injuries   for   vehicle   operators   and   we   are   extremely   excited   as   an   organization   to   be   working   with  MATCO,   GECOLSA,   and   Caterpillar   Corporate   to   provide   and   promote   our   safety   systems   to   operators   and  companies   located   in   Mexico   and   Colombia.     Through   MATCO,   GECOLSA   and   other   dealers,   we   are   already   in  discussion   with   a   number   of   mining   companies   that   are   new   to   Seeing   Machines,   but   will   be  serviced   by   the   CAT  dealers  in  their  regions.    We  as  a  Company  look  forward  to  our  partnerships  with  these  dealers  and  to  helping  our  future  customers."  

Ken  Kroeger,  CEO  ofSeeing  Machines,  said  that  the  Company  is  in  discussion  with  more  than  20  CAT  dealers  with  a   view   to   them   becoming   Seeing   Machines   distributors.     Further   updates   will   be   announced   as   distribution  agreements  are  executed.  


Seeing  Machines  Limited
Ken  Kroeger,  Managing  Director  and  CEO   +61  2  6103  4700  
James  Walker,  Finance  Director   +61  2  6103  4700    

finnCap  Ltd    

Ed  Frisby  /  Ben  Thompson,  Corporate  Finance   +44  20  7220  0500  Simon  Starr,  Corporate  Broking    

Axicom,  PR  for  Seeing  Machines  

Jamie  Stevenson   Tel:  +44  20  8392  4095  Mob:  +44  07769  640  202  
James  Kennedy   Tel:  +44  20  8392  4091  Mob:  +44  07809  495  759

Newgate  Threadneedle,  Investment  Communications  for  Seeing  Machines  

Graham  Herring   Tel:  020  7653  9858   Mob:  07793  839  024  

Robyn  McConnachie  

About  Seeing  Machines  

Tel:  +44  20  7653  9852  Mob:  +44  7540  706  191  
Seeing   Machines,   (AIM:   SEE),   is   an   AIM-­‐listed   technology   company   that   specialises   in   operator   monitoring   and  intervention  technologies  and  services.  Its  software  and  engineering  services  are  used  in  products  and  applications  that  range  from  devices  that  improve  driver  safety  and  save  lives  to  assessing  trainees  in  simulators  and  simplifying  the   relationships   between   people   and   technology.   Seeing   Machines   technology   is   used   worldwide   across   the  automotive,   mining,   transport   and   aviation   industries;   as   well   as   many   of   the   leading   academic   research   groups  and   transportation   authorities.   Seeing   Machines   is   headquartered   in   Australia   and   has   offices   in   Tucson,   Arizona  and   San   Francisco,   California.   The   company   counts   Caterpillar,   BHP   Billiton,   Freeport   McMoran,   MIT,   Boeing   and  General  Motors  amongst  its  customers.

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