Sectra launched a new diagnostic IT module for genomics within molecular pathology, developed in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania Health System in the US. The new solution, now clinically live, enables hospitals to predict how an individual cancer patient may respond to different treatments based on genomic information. This will in turn have the potential to significantly impact patient care.

The solution will be integrated with Sectra's other solutions for radiology and pathology. Analysis of genetic information, genomics, is increasingly used in healthcare to better diagnose and treat patients. Individualized care based on, among other data, genetic information is often referred to as precision medicine and is a rapidly growing field.

The new solution from Sectra helps healthcare professionals analyze genetic information to enhance and speed up cancer diagnostics. The solution at Pennsylvania Health System is provided as a service, fully integrated with the medical record system, and Sectra takes full responsibility for the maintenance of the solution. This believes IT burdens at the health system and allows them to fully harness the potential and value of genomic data.

It is now commercially available in the US, with the University of Pennsylvania Health system being the first to implement it. The IT solution for genomic information is, despite not being based on images, a part of Sectra's enterprise imaging solution. The enterprise imaging solution provides a unified strategy for all imaging and associated needs while lowering operational costs.

The scalable and modular solution allows healthcare providers to grow from ology to ology and from enterprise to enterprise.