
● The company has strong fundamentals. More than 70% of listed companies have a lower mix of growth, profitability, debt and visibility criteria.


● Growth progress expectations are rather promising. Indeed, sales are expected to rise sharply in the coming years.


● The company returns high margins, thereby supporting business profitability.

● Over the last twelve months, the sales forecast has been frequently revised upwards.

● Over the last 4 months, analysts have significantly revised upwards the company's estimated sales.

● For the last twelve months, analysts have been gradually revising upwards their EPS forecast for the upcoming fiscal year.





● With an expected P/E ratio at 73.34 and 65.93 respectively for both the current and next fiscal years, the company operates with high earnings multiples.

● The company's "enterprise value to sales" ratio is among the highest in the world.



● The company is not the most generous with respect to shareholders' compensation.
