WALLDORF (dpa-AFX) - The software company SAP has not introduced a paid leave model for fathers or other partners after the birth of their child as announced in September last year. They were actually supposed to be given six weeks' paid leave from the beginning of the year. In response to an inquiry, SAP referred to the German government's plans, which have not been implemented as planned. "We are taking this as an opportunity to review our own plans in this area as well," a spokesperson said on Tuesday. The "Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung" had previously reported on this.

In September last year, Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus (Greens) spoke of a "family start time", with plans for a two-week paid break for partners after the birth of a child. This would give the partner time to look after the mother and support her in her recovery. The draft law was being discussed within the federal government at the time. In November 2022, Paus announced in an interview that it would be implemented in 2024. When asked in September, the ministry would not officially comment on a specific date./rwi/DP/jha