SAAM Development Public Company Limited entered into project development service agreement with a large Japanese trading company with the following key details. Contract execution date: December 2021, employer is a large Japanese trading company, scope of work is development of 2 biomass power plant projects in Japan with capacity of 10 MW per project, contract value is JPY 150 million (approximately THB 42 million), payment divided into 2 milestones in accordance with the completion of work, period for handover expected to take approximately 12 - 14 months for the handover of completed projects. Terms of the contract stipulate that the contract shall take effect once the employer has paid non-refundable advance payment, and at present, the company has received such payment valued JPY 10 million (approximately THB 3 million).

For the development of projects under this agreement, the company incurs no expense in the preparation, and has sufficient human resources for such proceedings. The employer is not a connected person and is not a party which may pose conflict of interest with the board of directors, management, and major shareholders of the company and its subsidiaries in any way.