BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - The crime thriller on ZDF attracted the most TV viewers on Saturday night. An average of 5.08 million tuned in at 8:15 p.m. to "Helen Dorn - Der kleine Bruder" starring Anna Loos. That corresponded to a market share of 20.7 percent. Das Erste had the show "Schlagerbooom 2023 - Alles funkelt! Alles glitzert!" with Florian Silbereisen. The show was watched by 4.61 million viewers, also with a market share of 20.7 percent.

RTL's "Water Games" attracted 1.45 million viewers (6.5 percent). The action movie "Jason Bourne" with Matt Damon was watched by 1.09 million viewers on Vox (4.5 percent). Sat.1 showed the last part of the film adaptation of the seventh volume of Harry Potter. An average of 1.39 million viewers opted for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2)" (5.9 percent).

ZDFneo attracted 600,000 viewers (2.5 percent) with the film "Das Geisterschloss" starring Catherine Zeta-Jones and Liam Neeson, with Kabel eins close behind with "9-1-1 Notruf L.A." and 600,000 viewers (2.4 percent).

RTLzwei's "Hot Shots - The Mother of All Movies!" drew 560,000 viewers (2.3 percent), while an average of 540,000 wanted to watch "Darüber staunt die Welt - Crazy Kids" on ProSieben (2.2 percent)./lif/DP/he