
Class of secuntles (4)

Previous notice

Present notice

Per.ion's voles

I Votino =•er 151

Peon's votes


Volino cower 5)

Fullv Paid Ordlnarv Shares


I 13.89%




Dalo of


Person whose

relevant interest changed

Nature of

change (6)

Consideration given In relatlon to change (7)

Class and number of

$ecurities affected

Person's votes



OCJ Investment (Australia) Pty Ltd

Shares acquired In

tranches on-market


28.442,661 Fully Paid Ordinary Shares


Holder of relevant Interest

Registered holder of seeurltlos

Person ontltlad to be

regtered as holder


Nature of relevant interest (6)

Class and number of securities

413,000,000 Fully Paid Ordinary Shares

Per:::on's votes


OCJ lnvestmont (Australia) Pty Ltd

OCJ Investment (Australia) Pty Ltd

OCJ lnvestmont (Australia) Pty Ltd

Holder of Shares

604 page 112 15 July 2001

Form 604

Corporations Ac:t 2001

Section 671B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

IQ; Company Name/Scheme ACN/ARSN

1. Details of substantial holder (1)


ACNIARSN (if applicable)

Fllnder.a Mines Limiled

091 118 044

OCJ lnveslmont (Australia Plv Lid

123 064 862

There was a change in Ille Interest> of the

substantial holder en 04 12 15


The previous notice was given to the company on _131.0c_1_ _

The previous notice was dated _1310_1_ _

2. l='revlous and present voting power

The total number of votes attached lo all lhe voting sharos InIha company or voling Interests in lhe schema thal lhe substantl;,1 holder or an associate (2) had a relevant Interest (3)

in when la5t feuircd, and when now required, to give a subs.tantlal hold!ng notice to the company of scheme. are as follows:

J. Changes In relavant inte

Flart!culars of each change ln. or change In the nature of, a relevant Interest of the substantial holder or an associate in voting sai:urlties of the company or schema. since the

subst.ntlal holder was last required lo give a substantial holding notice to the company orscheme as follows:

4. Present relevant lntcret

Partleula of each relevant interest of the substantial holder In voting securities after the change are as follows;

604 pogo 2/2 15 July 2001

  1. Changes In a5,ocitlon The persons who have become associates (2) of, ceed to be associates of, or have changed the nature of their assoclaUon (9) with, the substantial holder in relation lo voting Interests In the company or schemo are as follows:

    Name and ACN/ARSN If a llcablo Nature of association

    N/A NIA

  2. Addresses

Tho addresses of persons named In this form are as follows:

Name Address OCJ Investment Australia P Ltd 85 Ma AVenuo Wh..lors Hill VIC 3150


sign here date 05 12 15


(1) If there arB a number of substantial holders with similar or relalad relovant Issues (eg. A corporation and Ii> related corporations. or tho manager and trustoo of on equity trust), Iha names could be included In an annaxura lolhe form. If the relevant Interest,; of a group of poraons are essenUally similar, lhay may be raferred to throughout the form as a specifically named grcup IIthe membernhlp ol each group, with the namos and addresses ol meml>ers Is clearly set out in paragraph G of the form.

(2) Sec the definition of 'associate' in Section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

  1. See the dellnlllon of 'relevant lntarest' in sactlons 608 and 6718(7) oflhe Corporations Aci. 2001.

  2. The voting shares of a company constitute one class unless divided into separate classos.

  3. The person's votos divided by the total votes in the body corporate or scheme multiplied by 100.

  4. Include details of;

    1. any relevant agreement or other circumstan s by whlct, the relevanl Interest was acquired. If subsection 6718(4) applies, a copy of any document senlng out tha terms of any relevant agreement. and a statement by the Pf!r.iOn giving full and accurate dataUs of any contract, scheme or arrangemont. must ammmpany this fonn,logether wlth a written statement cortlfylng this contract, scheme or arrangement; and

    2. {b) any quallflcatlon of the power of a peraon to exercise, control tho exercise of, the votlrig powers or disposal of the 5ei::uritias to which the rele111i1nl Interest rel;;1tss (indicating clearly the particular :secur!Ues to which the qualification applies}. See th1;1 definition of 'relevant agreement' in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

      (7) Details of the consideration ml.J5t h'ICIUda any and all benefits, money and other, that any person from whom a relevant Interest was acquired has, or may. become entitled to receive in llllfltlon to that acquisition. Details must be Included even If the benefit Is candltlonal on the happening or not of a contingency, Details must be included of any benefit paid on behalf of the substanllal holder or its associate In reletlon to the acquisitions, even IIthey ara not paid directly to the person from whom the relvant Interest was acquired.

      (8) If the substantial holder In unable to detennlna the Identity of the per.on (eg. If tho rolovant interest arisos because of an option) writ• 'unknown'.

      {9) Give deteils, If pproprlale, of the present association and any change in that assoclal!on since the last substanlifll holding notice.
    distributed by