Real American Capital Corp. announce the appointment of Chris McCormack, also known as "Macca," to its Advisory Board. McCormack, globally celebrated for his extraordinary achievements in endurance sports, brings a storied triathlon career and profound business acumen to M2MMA.

Chris McCormack's career highlights include more than 200 international race victories and an impressive record of 76% podium finishes since 1993. He has dominated as the #1 ITU Triathlete globally for 243 weeks, achieved 16 Ironman victories, and won the Ironman World Championships twice. His accolades include being a five-time International Triathlete of the Year and breaking the eight-hour mark in Ironman distance races four times.

Born on April 4, 1973, in Cronulla, Sydney, Australia, McCormack was initially a competitive surfer and runner. He won 16 state championships and four Australian Schoolboy championship titles in middle and long-distance running. His triathlon career took off after being scouted for his exceptional swimming and running skills, leading to a rapid ascension marked by a fourth-place finish at the 1993 Junior World Championships in Manchester.

After completing his studies in Business and Accounting at The University of NSW, McCormack was fully committed to the triathlon and quickly rose to international prominence. His business ventures are equally impressive, including establishing the MINC Group, which later became MANA Sports and Entertainment, and founding SuperTri, now known as Super League Triathlon. Additionally, McCormack has worked as a chief consultant for sports for the Royal Family of Bahrain and launched the global Pho3nix Foundation for Sports, significantly impacting the sports landscape.