FulcrumAir and PLP have partnered to launch the advanced automated robotic system for installing helically-shaped bird diverters on overhead power lines. The Mini LineFly? is a revolutionary unmanned system that automatically and precisely installs PLP's BIRD-FLIGHT?

Diverters on overhead lines, helping to significantly reduce safety concerns for lineworkers while also exponentially increasing project efficiency. The Mini LineFly accurately places PLP BIRD-FLIGHT Diverters at predetermined intervals, maximizing the performance to help safeguard wildlife from accidental contact with power lines. This critical wildlife protection device reduces the probability of unintended bird collisions by enhancing line visibility, helping to protect diverse avian species and mitigate potential costly and problematic power outages.

The first implementation of robotically installed PLP BIRD-FLIGHT Diverters took place during the recent High Banks Wind Project in Kansas. Nearly 15,000 bird diverters were installed using robotics along the 75-mile 345 kV transmission line spanning Marshall, Republic, and Washington counties. The High Banks Wind Project delivers approximately 600 megawatts of dependable renewable energy to customers in the American Midwest.

Alongside the Mini LineFly, FulcrumAir and PLP also recently introduced the CSR-18? Robot, a robotic installation system designed for PLP CUSHION-GRIP® Twin Spacers. Both robotic solutions are fully operational worldwide, with multiple projects initiated globally.