PetroTal Corp. announced the 30-day initial production rate of over 7,700 barrels of oil per day ("bopd") for well BN-8H ("8H"). Well 8H delivered over 7,700 bopd average production during its first 30 days of operation, with the most recent rate at 7,575 bopd; As of October 3, 2021, during its first 30 days of operation, the well has produced 231,000 bbls; Well 8H is outperforming management expectations; and, Based on the 8H well's ongoing performance and an expected $45/bbl oil netback, the 8H well should pay out in approximately 45 days, overall. PetroTal continues to play a key role in bridging communication efforts between the government and local residents by promoting some of their key initiatives directly into the community; and, In order to create alignment with all stakeholders, PetroTal's efforts include local labor allocation, financial support to develop sustainable projects, and intellectual resources to execute on those local projects.