NuGen Medical Devices Inc. announced that Verrue Consulting Group BV became an official distributor for NuGen's needle-free InsuJet device aimed at improving the delivery of care and the life for millions of diabetics worldwide. InsuJet is approved for sale in Belgium as a medical device. The term of the distribution agreement with Verrue is 5 years and NuGen estimates sales to be approximately $2.4 million if target quantities of 7,300 devices over the term of the agreement are met.

The Company expects a gross margin of 72%. Proposed sales avenues will include clinics, pharmacies, online channels, and local distribution/sales agents. Sales training for InsuJet provided by NuGen has been completed by Verrue in November 2023.

Verrue estimates that the total market size in Belgium is 770,000 diabetic patients with Type 1 diabetes which will be initially targeted for InsuJet sales. Sales support will mainly be comprised of self-employed nurses and diabetes educators provided by Verrue.