FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Nordex shares extended their recovery on Thursday. From Tuesday's interim low of EUR 11.32 at the simple 200-day average line, they have now risen by almost 11 percent. They even reached their 100-day line again.

Analyst Ajay Patel from Goldman Sachs saw news from the Federal Network Agency as positive for the wind turbine manufacturers. The day before, the agency had published the results of the tenders for onshore wind and the innovation tender on May 1.

At 7.6 gigawatts, the tender volume had increased by around 150 percent over the twelve-month period compared to the low point in 2022, said Patel. Nordex, with its business model focused on land-based turbines and its strong market position in Europe, is benefiting the most from this./ag/jha/