HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - Wind turbine manufacturer Nordex received fewer orders for wind turbines in the second quarter than in the same period last year. From April to the end of June, orders with a total output of just under 1.3 gigawatts were recorded, the company announced in Hamburg on Monday. This is a drop of over a fifth compared to the same period last year. However, as the Hanseatic company was able to enjoy strong demand in the first quarter, the figure for the first half of the year is still up 27 percent to almost 3.4 gigawatts. The sales prices achieved developed positively.

After a weaker start to the year, Nordex now received an average of EUR 0.96 million per megawatt hour in the second quarter, compared with EUR 0.89 million a year earlier. According to the company, prices remained stable in a half-year comparison.

According to the press release, the largest orders in the first half of the year came from Germany, South Africa, Lithuania and Turkey. Nordex CEO José Luis Blanco was satisfied with the development. The figures confirmed his plans for order intake for the rest of the year./lew/mia