In December 2013, the total trading volume on all Moscow Exchange markets combined grew by 24% as compared to December 2012, constituting 46,644 billion rubles.

Securities Market

Secondary trading volume in stocks and RDRs for the month amounted to 750 billion rubles (versus 615 billion rubles in December 2012). Average daily trading volume was 36 billion rubles.

Secondary trading volume in corporate and government bonds amounted to 1,029 billion rubles for the month (versus 1,253 billion rubles in December 2012). The average daily trading volume constituted 49 billion rubles.

In December, 31 bond issues (including OFZ government bonds) were placed on the securities market, with a total volume of 271 billion rubles.

Derivatives Market

Derivatives trading volume on the Moscow Exchange in December 2013 amounted to 3,597 billion rubles (versus 3,279 billion rubles in December 2012) or 83,9 million contracts (versus 75,8 million contracts in December 2012). Futures contracts comprised 3,220 billion rubles and options contracts amounted to 377 billion rubles. At month-end, the volume of open positions on the derivatives market was 390 billion rubles.

The Derivatives Market demonstrated strong growth in volume of open positions. Moscow Exchange registered record-high volume of open positions at 14 million contracts (575 billion rubles) for all instruments, exceeding the previous high from 29 November 2013 (12,86 million contracts) by 8.9%.

Total open futures positions reached a record high of 9,975,052 contracts. Growth in open options positions of individual instruments included volume in RTS index options positions amounting to 2,628 thousand contracts (239 billion rubles), USD/RUB options constituting 968 thousand contracts (33,4 billion rubles), and EUR/USD options amounting to 19 thousand contracts (875,5 million rubles).

Due to high volatility of Ukrainian Hryvnia in December, UAH/RUB futures reached a total volume of 1,182 thousand USD (40,5 million rubles) with a record high of 345 thousand USD (11,3 million rubles) on 18 December. December marked a record high of 1,045 thousand USD (34,218 thousand rubles) in volume of open positions since the start of trading. On 10 December, the Moscow Exchange introduced the possibility of using a calendar spread for the instrument, allowing participants to transfer the position from the nearest futures series to the next traded series.

FX Market

In December 2013, FX Market trading volume reached 16,872 billion rubles (versus 10,644 billion rubles in December 2012), including cash transactions (spot) of 4,973 billion rubles (29,5% of total trading volume) and SWAP transactions of 11,899 billion rubles (70,5%)

Three record highs were reported in December 2013:

  • Absolute maximum monthly trading volume of 16,872 trillion rubles (513,1 million dollars).
  • Absolute record high of average daily trading volume of 803,4 billion rubles (24,3 billion dollars).
  • On 27 December, an absolute maximum daily trading volume on the FX Market of 1,16 trillion rubles (35,6 billion dollars) was recorded.

Average daily trading volume on the FX Market of the Moscow Exchange for the month amounted to 803 billion rubles.

Money Market

Trading volume of REPO with Central Counterparty1 for the month amounted to 853 billion rubles - the highest level since the launch of this trading regime2. Average daily trading volume in December exceeded 40 billion rubles.

On 19 December, the absolute record high in volume was established for the REPO with CC instrument of 50 billion rubles for the day. The number of active participants in 2013 as compared to the previous year demonstrates stable growth.

Total trading volume of the Money Market in December 2013 reached a historical record high of 24,111 billion rubles (21,392 billion rubles in December 2012), while the average daily operational volume constituted 1,148 billion rubles.

For additional information, please contact the sales team on +44 20 7002 1393.

1Starting 16 December 2013, 128 corporate bond issues were admitted to the REPO with Central Counterparty trading

2The Moscow Exchange launched the REPO with Central Counterparty trading regime in February 2013

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (495) 363-3232.

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