Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. announced the following changes in Representative Corporate Executives as decided by resolution of the Board of Directors. Mikio Ikegaya changed from former position of Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman (Representative Corporate Executive) to new position Member of the Board of Directors. Kanetsugu Mike changed from former position of Member of the Board of Directors, President & Group CEO (Representative Corporate Executive) to new position Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman (Representative Corporate Executive).

Hironori Kamezawa changed from former position of Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy President (Representative Corporate Executive) to new position Member of the Board of Directors, President & Group CEO (Representative Corporate Executive). Iwao Nagashima changed from former position of Senior Managing Corporate Executive, Group CHRO & Group Deputy CDTO to new position Deputy Chairman (Representative Corporate Executive). The above changes are effective from April 1, 2020.