M ila n, July 16, 2012 - The Board of Directors of MILANO ASSICURAZIONI S.p.A., meeting today, appointed the corporate officers and the internal committees of the board as reported below.
The Board appointed, for the duration of its mandate, and therefore until the approval of the 2014 annual accounts:
- Massimo Pini as Chairman of the Board of Directors;
- Emanuele Erbetta as Chief Executive Officer.
The Board also assigned specific powers, in addition to the Chief Executive Officer Emanuele
Erbetta, to the Director Piergiorgio Peluso.
The Board appointed, for the duration of its mandate and therefore until the approval of the 2014 annual accounts, an Executive Committee comprising 5 directors in the persons of - in addition to the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer - Enrico De Cecco, Giuseppe Lazzaroni and Piergiorgio Peluso.
The Board also appointed the members of the Internal Control Committee as the Directors Nicola
Miglietta (as lead coordinator), Enrico De Cecco and Nicola Maione.
The Board then appointed the members of the Committee set up in accordance with the procedure for transactions with related parties of the FONDIARIA-SAI Group, which will continue to be involved in the negotiations of the integration operation with the Unipol Group, in addition to exploring the issues concerning the Board of Statutory Auditors' Report as per Article 2408 of the Civil Code, as the Directors Nicola Maione, Nicola Miglietta, Ugo Milazzo and Antonio Salvi, who
were previously held this appointment.

MILANO ASSICURAZIONI S.p.A. Sede Legale e Direzione

20161 Milano - Via Senigallia, 18/2

Tel. (+39) 02.6402.1 - Fax (+39) 02.6402.2331

Capitale Sociale € 373.682.600,42 int. vers. - Numero di iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano, Codice Fiscale e Partita I.V.A. 00957670151 - Iscritta all'Albo Imprese presso l'ISVAP al numero 1.00010

Impresa autorizzata all'esercizio delle assicurazioni (art. 65 R.D.L. 29-4-1923 n. 966)

Società appartenente al Gruppo assicurativo Fondiaria-SAI, iscritto all'albo dei gruppi assicurativi al n. 030 direzione e coordinamento FONDIARIA-SAI S.p.A.

The Board of Directors also appointed the members of the Remuneration Committee as the
Directors Enrico De Cecco (as lead coordinator), Giuseppe Lazzaroni and Piergiorgio Peluso.
Finally, the Board appointed, for the duration of the mandate of the Board of Directors, Mr. Massimo Dalfelli as the Executive Responsible for the preparation of the corporate and accounting documents.
The Board will evaluate, in a meeting to be held shortly, the independence of those directors declaring to be such on the acceptance of their candidature and specifically Paolo Arbarello, Enrico
De Cecco, Giuseppe Lazzaroni, Nicola Maione, Nicola Miglietta, Ugo Milazzo and Antonio Salvi.

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