The U.S. Treasury has placed sanctions on six entities and seven individuals in China, Hong Kong and Iran for allegedly helping Iran obtain technology for use in its ballistic missile program.

The Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control alleges that the businesses and individuals obtained component materials for some of the biggest players in Iran's ballistic missile development program. These include Iran's Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics, and affiliated groups such as Parchin Chemical Industry and P.B. Sadr, which served as an intermediary helping Parchin to acquire missile propellant, according to the Treasury.

Microsoft Settles Charges Over Data Collection on Children Using Xbox

WASHINGTON-Microsoft agreed to pay $20 million to settle charges that it violated children's privacy rights when they signed up for its Xbox game system, the Federal Trade Commission said Tuesday.

The FTC charged that Microsoft violated the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, known as Coppa, by collecting personal information from children under 13 when they signed up for Xbox, without notifying their parents or obtaining their parents' consent.

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Expected Major Events for Wednesday

04:30/NED: Apr Consumer Spending

05:30/IRL: Apr Industrial Production and Turnover

05:45/SWI: May Unemployment

06:00/DEN: Apr Industrial production & new orders

06:00/NOR: Apr Industrial Production Index

06:00/UK: May Halifax House Price Index

06:00/GER: Apr Industrial Production Index

06:30/HUN: Apr Preliminary Industrial Production

06:45/FRA: Apr Foreign trade

06:45/FRA: Apr Balance of payments

07:00/AUT: May Wholesale Price Index

07:00/SWI: May SNB foreign currency reserves

07:00/CZE: Apr Retail trade

07:00/SPN: 1Q Housing Price Index

07:00/AUT: Mar Foreign Trade

08:00/ICE: May External trade, preliminary figures

08:00/ITA: Apr Retail Sales

08:30/UK: May Narrow money (Notes & Coin) and reserve balances

08:30/UK: 1Q Household Finance Review

09:00/CYP: May Registered Unemployed

09:00/GRE: 1Q Provisional GDP

09:00/GRE: Apr External Trade (provisional data)

09:00/LUX: May CPI

23:01/UK: May RICS Residential Market Survey

23:01/UK: May KPMG and REC UK Report on Jobs

All times in GMT. Powered by Onclusive and Dow Jones.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

06-07-23 0016ET