Melkior Resources Inc. announce that a 2,170 line kilometer airborne survey has been awarded to GEOTECH using their VTEM plus time-domain system. The survey will cover the entire Maseres Project with a 100 m line spacing. Melkior is currently next in queue, it is anticipated that the survey will be initiated within the next 30 days. Only the northeastern corner of the Maseres Project has ever had an electromagnetic survey flown over it. The magnetic and EM trends delineated in historic surveys have been demonstrated to be co-incident with highly favorable multi-element soil sampling results in the A-Horizon. The initial Melkior soil test grid over the EM trends returned up to: 121 ppb Au; 59 ppm Ag; 93 ppm Cu; 78 ppm Zn; 30 ppm Pb. The GEOTECH survey will define any extension of these trends to the south through Melkior's Maseres Project with an accuracy sufficient for defining drill hole locations.