Macarthur Minerals Limited provided an update on the company's iron ore projects and plans for 2014. Major Achievements during 2013 include: The company's immediate focus remains to bring the Ularring Hematite Project Western Australia into production by second quarter/fourth quarter 2015. Metallurgical Test Work Identifies Distinct Zones for Selective Mining: Further metallurgical testing and iron ore characterisation work was undertaken during 2013.

There are a number of zones within the ore body, including zones of predominantly haematitic ores and zones of predominantly geothitic ores. The response to grinding, gravity separation and magnetic separation depends on the specific mineral assemblage, with some ore types possibly beneficiable using a simplified process flow sheet. If confirmed by test work presently under way, this may provide for an opportunity to approach the development of the ore body in stages, with selective mining providing readily beneficiable ore to a simplified beneficiation plant in the first stage to be followed by mining and processing of the remainder of the resource utilising a more complex beneficiation plant at a later date.

Such an approach, if technically feasible, could have a positive impact on reducing the Project's initial capex and opex costs. The relevant metallurgical test work is under way and evaluation of this approach is the current focus of the company's metallurgical consulting team; Optimisation of the 2012 Preliminary Feasibility Study Opex & Capex; Throughout 2013, the company optimised the inputs to the Project's Preliminary Feasibility Study that was published in September 2012. This follows a successful Expression of Interest Program for contractors offering core mining, processing and beneficiation, road and rail transport services, and also by revising mining transport infrastructure costs and rail charges.

The Company has received written quotes from a number of major Australian mining, mining service and transport groups for the provision of these services. Due to the general slowdown in the Western Australian mining sector, the quotes received are more competitive and commercial than when the PFS was published in 2012. Ularring Project Received Environmental Approval: Approval for the development of the Project was granted by the Western Australian Minister for Environment; Heritage.

A Successful Water Resource Drilling Program Was Completed: Nine reverse circulation holes were drilled for a total of 1,320 metres with a view to adding to the water resources announced in the PFS. The holes were drilled over a strike length of three kilometres with seven of the nine holes returning airlift flow rates of between 1 litre per second to 2.5 litres per second. Long term pump rate testing produced a flow rate of two to three litres per second.

In addition to this, Macarthur has applied for three water leases over three paleochannel tributaries and further water exploration is required to confirm the capacity of those systems. Macarthur is confident that it has identified sufficient water sources for road construction, dust suppression and the initial mining and process as outlined in the PFS. Esperance Port Confirms Proposals for Expansion Received: In June 2013 the Esperance Port Authority announced that two consortia had been short listed to participate in a Request for Proposal process to design, finance, build and operate a new multi-user iron ore facility at the Port of Esperance. In December 2013, EPSL acknowledged that proposals had been received from the two short listed parties and EPSL is expecting to select a preferred party in the first quarter of 2014.

The construction time frames for the MUIOF have not been fully disclosed but it is expected that initial capacity will be available in 2015.