ROUNDUP: Evotec receives further order from the U.S. - share price increases

HAMBURG - Drug discovery company Evotec has received another order from the US Department of Defense through its US subsidiary Just Evotec Biologics. The contract is for the rapid development of monoclonal antibody-based drugs against smallpox viruses. It is worth up to 74 million U.S. dollars (68 million euros), the company announced in Hamburg on Wednesday. The shares rose by just under 3 percent in the morning at the top of the MDax.

ROUNDUP: Grenke increases new leasing business with higher margin - shares up

BADEN-BADEN - Leasing specialist Grenke has further improved its new business in the second quarter and has also become more profitable. Compared to the same period last year, new leasing business increased by 10.7 percent to 650.3 million euros, as the SDax-listed company announced in Baden-Baden on Wednesday. The operating margin of the so-called contribution margin 2 increased by one percentage point to 16.9 percent. The receivables management (factoring) offered by Grenke also developed positively. The share price rose.

ROUNDUP: Lower prices weigh on Cropenergies - share loses significantly

MANNHEIM - After a record year, lower selling prices for ethanol and lower sales volumes are causing problems for Cropenergies in the first quarter of the new fiscal year. Production declined due to scheduled maintenance shutdowns. The unusually high price level from the previous year has now returned to normal, the Südzucker subsidiary announced in Mannheim on Wednesday. The group's sales and profits thus fell significantly in the first quarter of the year. Investors reacted with disappointment: the share fell 7 percent shortly after the start of trading.

Chinese car market with slight setback in June

PEKING - The Chinese car market is expected to have contracted slightly in June. Last month, 1.9 million vehicles were delivered to end customers, around two percent fewer than in the same period last year, the industry association PCA (China Passenger Car Association) announced in Beijing on Wednesday, based on preliminary figures. However, compared to the previous month, an increase of 9 percent was recorded. Last year, there had been a significant increase in sales in June after a long lean period, because the availability of parts, including electronic chips, had improved and a production backlog could thus be reduced. In the previous months of the current year, there had therefore also been high increases in deliveries in some cases.

Lufthansa: Operations much more stable than in 2022

FRANKFURT - Lufthansa's flight operations are running significantly more stable and on time this summer than last year, according to the company. "We want a summer with much more satisfied guests and more stability than last year," airline CEO Jens Ritter said Tuesday evening in Frankfurt. He said the airline had overcome the last endurance test over Whitsun with adverse weather conditions, a closed runway and more than 390,000 guests at its Frankfurt and Munich hubs.

ROUNDUP: Verdi wants 3000 euros immediately at Lufthansa - action day

FRANKFURT - With a day of action, the trade union Verdi wants to put pressure on Lufthansa to immediately pay out 3000 euros inflation compensation bonus to employees. For this Thursday, employees in Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg and Düsseldorf are called to assemblies, as the union announced on Wednesday. It is a break and leisure action, so no operational functions will be affected, said a Verdi spokesman.

ROUNDUP/Genetic engineering plans of the EU Commission: significant relaxation on the way

BRUSSELS - Many genetically modified food and feed products are to be easier to research and sell in the EU without special labeling in the future. The EU Commission proposed on Wednesday in Brussels to exempt such breeding from the strict genetic engineering rules if the new plants could also have been created by conventional breeding methods.

Bechtle to take over IT service provider Apixit

NECKARSULM - IT service provider Bechtle plans to buy French IT system house Apixit, based in Les Ulis near Paris. An offer was signed on Wednesday, the Neckarsulm-based company announced. The company did not comment on the amount.

ROUNDUP/Hofreiter: Pressure from Chancellor's Office on arms exports to Saudi Arabia.

BERLIN - The chairman of the Europe Committee in the Bundestag, Anton Hofreiter, rejects the delivery of armaments to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. "Pressure is coming from the chancellery for us to deliver 48 Eurofighters to Saudi Arabia and 6 A400Ms to the United Arab Emirates," the Green Party politician told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND/Wednesday).

States file lawsuits in UN court after Iran shoots down passenger jet

DEN HAAG - Three and a half years after a Ukrainian passenger jet was shot down in Iran, four countries from which many of the victims come have appealed to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. With their application against Iran, Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Ukraine want the victims' relatives to be fully compensated and Iran to conduct a transparent and independent investigation into the shootdown, according to the court in The Hague on Wednesday. In their application, the states claim that Iran violated a number of obligations on civil international air traffic.


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-Air transport industry: No more baggage chaos in sight

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-Defense Committee approves purchase of Boeing's Chinook helicopters

-Trumpf invests in construction projects at company headquarters

-EU commission aims to reduce food waste more with new rules°.

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