Leap Charger Corporation announced its foray into the retail sector. The Company intends to revolutionize the industry by making its line of home EV charging solutions available for purchase on the shelves of supermarkets in Dubai. Leap Charger's recently completed new line of home EV charging solutions is designed to meet the burgeoning demand for accessible and efficient charging options.

With a commitment to sustainable mobility, the company aims to empower EV owners by bringing the charging experience directly to their homes. In accordance with findings from a recent JD Power study, a substantial 80% of electric vehicle (EV) owners demonstrate a preference for the convenience of charging their vehicles within the confines of their homes. Mindful of this prevailing inclination, LeapCharger is dedicated to refining the entire retail experience, commencing with a meticulous overhaul of the product packaging.

The redesigned box is a testament to the seamless integration of aesthetics and practicality, aimed at affording customers a sophisticated unboxing experience. Augmenting this initiative are branded RFID cards and a refined application, thoughtfully curated to support the home charging process facilitated by LeapCharger. Breaking away from convention, LeapCharger is set to make history by placing its home EV charging solutions on the shelves of two of Dubai?s more renowned supermarket chains.

This strategic move aims to redefine accessibility, allowing consumers to effortlessly integrate EV charging solutions into their daily lives. Additionally, knowing that customers prioritize efficiency and convenience, it is also goal to install 150kW+ charging stations at highway exits and petrol pumps throughout the UAE during calendar year 2024. These stations offer a higher charging speed, allowing drivers to get back on the road quickly.

One of the ways achieve this is by offering lower charging rates than competitors, due to innovative use of advertising revenue. Charging stations are equipped with 55-inch screens, which serve to provide clients with a valuable marketing channel and also serve as marketing channels for LeapCharger brand. Additional information and updates on the availability of the home EV charging solutions on supermarket shelves and regarding the installation of EV chargers at highway exits and petrol pumps will be released as they become available.