JER Investors Trust Inc filed a combined plan of reorganization and disclosure statement in the US Bankruptcy Court on December 29, 2023. As per the plan filed, U.S. trustee statutory fees, administrative claims, professional compensation, priority tax claims, other priority claims, convenience claims shall be paid in full in cash. General unsecured claims with estimated recovery of 19.46%-20.05% shall receive pro rata share of the plan distributable cash junior subordinated note claims of $93.87 million with estimated recovery of 19.46%-20.05% and junior subordinated note claims shall receive pro rata share of the plan distributable cash.

C-III Subordinated Claim will not be paid in full under the Plan and receive remaining cash. Interests and Intercompany Claims shall be cancelled without distribution. The plan shall be funded from available cash.

JER Investors Trust Inc filed a modified combined plan of reorganization and disclosure statement in the US Bankruptcy Court on March 21, 2024. As per the plan filed, there are no changes in the treatment of any claim class or sources of plan funding. JER Investors Trust Inc filed a solicitation version of modified combined plan of reorganization and disclosure statement in the US Bankruptcy Court on March 28, 2024.

As per the plan filed, there are no changes in the treatment of any claim class or sources of plan funding. JER Investors Trust Inc filed a supplement combined plan of reorganization and disclosure statement in the US Bankruptcy Court on April 29, 2024. As per the plan filed, there are no changes in the treatment of any claim class or sources of plan funding.