There is no doubt that food waste in the home is an issue, and why we're focused on helping our customers to waste less.

We've run several customer campaigns to help them make their food go further, including 'Love your leftovers' with meal idea recipe cards and food storage tips. We were the first UK supermarket to change food labels advising customers to freeze food up to a product's 'use by date' instead of on the day of purchase, helping to prevent up to 400,000 tonnes of perfectly good food from being thrown away each year.

We've also championed 'ugly' fruit and veg, as a result of this year's unseasonal weather committing to make use of all produce that stands up on taste, and encouraged customers to join us. Just a few more minutes of preparation can help us all minimise waste - after all beauty is often only skin deep!

It's inevitable you'll have some leftovers so just remember these food safety tips:

  • Refrigerate leftovers as soon as they've cooled to room temperature and store them in sealed containers
  • Eat refrigerated leftovers within 2-3 days
  • Carve the meat off bones and cut into small portions.
  • Discard uneaten leftovers once reheated

Over to you: how do you cut down on food waste in your home?

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