Iveda® announced the launch of a $1.5 million project for Utilus Smart Pole technology in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, equipping the country's large harbor city with critical IoT infrastructure for smart city deployments. Utilus brings Iveda technology––including video surveillance, AI-based video analytics, IvedaSPS (smart power system), and IvedaPinpoint (location-based trackers and smart sensors) ––together in a centralized platform, which is integrated into existing infrastructure for true smart city implementations. Utilus' smart, multi-purpose poles will help Kaohsiung solve a myriad of urban challenges, from improving parking and traffic management and charging electric vehicles, to detecting and notifying officials about street flooding, all through real-time data and alerts.

Utilus consists of a smart power management and wireless mesh communications network with WiFi, 4G, and 5G small cell capabilities, plus other wireless protocols as required. Additionally, Utilus includes an energy storage battery system for continuous operation and backup in the case of multiple power outages. Kaohsiung's Utilus smart pole deployment will include: At thbobottom: Iveda's Smart Pole Cabinet which includes power mers from investor owned utility (IOU) oror current power companies, power distribution panels, fiber distribution box (FDB), small modular reactor (SMR) which will automatically convert AC to DC for sensitive electronics, dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM)/IoT Gateway/PoE Switch support for TSN, Layer 2 and 3 LAN, and backup battery.

The bottom of each Utilus pole will provide all-in-one management of power and data. In the middle: The city will have the ability to scale as required with the flexibility to add AI cameras, environmental sensors, advertising/messaging displays, intelligent/autonomous traffic sensors, etc. At the top: 5G small cell antennas with IP65 service cabinets.