Inactive Instrument

Intradevco Industrial, S.A. Share Price


Household Products

End-of-day quote Lima
- - Intraday chart for Intradevco Industrial, S.A.
Managers TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer - -
Director of Finance/CFO - 01/98/01
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - -
Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Chairman - -
Chief Executive Officer - -
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Intradevco Industrial SA is a Peruvian company engaged in the production and sale of household and personal cleaning products in the Pacific Coast of Latin America. The Company's products portfolio is structured into five areas: Cleaning, which includes detergents and softeners, washing up liquids, floor and furniture polishers and car waxes, as well as other household cleaning products; Personal Hygiene, which comprises sun block creams and toiletries; Pharma, which distributes over-the-counter topical medical creams, repellents and perfumed Vaseline; Professional, which supplies gas for lighters and stoves, as well as spray paintings under the Dragon, Practigas and Top Color brands, and Food, which commercializes the Nouvelle Cuisine cooking spray. As of December 31, 2011, the Company owned such subsidiaries as Klenzo Sociedad Comercial e Industrial Ltda, Atlantis SA, Minera Santa Juana Limitada and Sociedad Quimica Sapolio Ltda, among others.
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