During the 2010/11 year under review ending 30 April, the Infranor Group, a specialist in robotised automation, benefited from the climate of recovery in capital goods investments. In addition to increasing its sales by 26 per cent from 39.0 million CHF in the previous year to 49.3 million CHF, the Group maintained a high gross margin and kept its operating expenses firmly under control. Post-tax net profit stood at 1.9 million CHF, down by 0.1 million CHF on the previous year.

Infranor recorded a pleasing fourth quarter 2010/11 by exceeding its own forecasts drawn up at the end of the third quarter, namely posting consolidated sales in the region of 48 million CHF. The increase in sales has largely offset the slight fall – in relative terms – in the gross margin, following considerable pressure on sales prices. With an EBIT margin of 9.8 per cent (5.0 per cent in the previous year), the Group reached its objective of 10 per cent.

The company will provide definitive figures and more detailed information on the 2010/11 financial year, together with comments on current business development, during its balance sheet presentation on 18 August 2011.

This press release is also available for download from the Infranor Group website http://www.infranor.com/dynasite.cfm?dsmid=83294.


  1. 18.08.2011      Publication of annual results for the year under review 2010/11      
  2. 08.09.2011      Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2010/11
  3. 13.12.2011      Publication of  half-yearly results for the year under review 2011/12

Further information available :

Nicolas Eichenberger

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Téléphone +41 (0) 22 776 61 44



This press release is also available in French and German, please see on our website www.infranor.com