Johannesburg - It is with deep sadness that Harmony advises of the passing of its company secretary, Ms Riana Bisschoff, on Tuesday, 21 January 2020 following a short illness.

The board and management of Harmony extend their sincere and heartfelt condolences to Riana's family, friends and colleagues and pay tribute to Riana's leadership, integrity, exuberance and outstanding dedication to the Company.

Riana was appointed as the company secretary of Harmony since 1 March 2012.

Appointment of acting company secretary

In accordance with paragraph 3.59(a) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, the Company wishes to advise that Ms Shela Mohatla has been appointed as acting company secretary, with effect from 27 January 2020 and until such time as a permanent appointment is made. Shela has been employed by Harmony as assistant company secretary since 1 July 2016.


Marian van der Walt

Tel: +27 (0)82 888 1242

J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Propriety Limited

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (Harmony), a world-class gold mining and exploration company, has operations and assets in South Africa and Papua New Guinea (PNG). Harmony has more than 60 years' experience in the industry. Company assets include one open pit mine and several exploration tenements in PNG, as well as 9 underground mines and 1 open pit operation and several surface sources in South Africa. In addition, Harmony owns 50% of the significant Wafi-Golpu copper-gold project - a tier 1 asset in a joint venture in PNG.

The company's primary stock exchange listing is on the JSE with a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange. The bulk of our shareholders are in South Africa and the United States.

(C) 2020 Electronic News Publishing, source ENP Newswire