Green Critical Minerals Limited announced that it has identified pre-concentration technology as a means to reduce the emissions associated with the processing of graphite. The company has initiated ore sorting pre-concentration testwork with TOMRA, a leading ore sorting provider. Preliminary testwork on the utilisation of ore sorting technology was undertaken on core samples from the Mcintosh graphite deposit back in April 2017.

Initial results were positive and suggested that the waste interbedding within the graphitic host unit could effectively be identified and removed via ore sorting technology. GCM is now building on this initial testwork by sending representative core from the Emperor deposit for further processing and analysis with TOMRA's latest sorting technology. A typical core tray from Emperor deposit is shown below.

Highlighted in red are waste interbedding layers within the graphitic schist unit. By removing these waste bands via ore sorting technology the head grade of the material fed to the mill can increase. Further to this, as only high-grade material would be sent to milling circuit, there is potential to reduce the size and therefore CAPEX for milling equipment and tailings facilities.

Next steps/Future news flow: Petrographic analysis from exploration targets to establish flake size; Preliminary Ore sorting results; Heritage survey over proposed exploration areas; Maiden Drill program commencement; Metallurgical testwork results; Battery Anode qualification testwork commencement; Process plant design completion; Downstream Scoping study delivery; and Delivery of updated Mcintosh Pre-Feasibility study.