Gift Holdings Inc. Provided Consolidated Earnings Guidance and Fiscal Year Ending October 31, 2024 (November 1, 2023 to October 31, 2024). For the period, the company expects Net sales of JPY 28,500 million compared to JPY 27,600 million as pervious guidance, operating profit of JPY 3,000 million compared to JPY 2,700 million as pervious guidance, profit attributable to owners of parent of JPY 1,960 million compared to JPY 1,750 million as pervious guidance and basic earnings per share of JPY 98.20 compared to JPY 87.75 as previous guidance. The Company continued to aggressively open new stores throughout the first half of the current fiscal year, with the result that the number of Company-owned stores increased by 12 and the number of produced stores increased by 16.

Furthermore, average monthly sales at Company-owned stores in Japan reached a record high thanks to initiatives to continuously improve store quality, service, cleanliness and atmosphere (QSCA). As a result, the consolidated financial results for the first half of the current fiscal year exceeded the previous forecast, and taking into account the current business situation, the Company has decided to revise the full-year consolidated earnings forecast.