2013-01-03 12:22:22

ROVESE (Resolution No. 1/2013)

Resolution No. 1/2013
of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
dated 2 January 2013

concerning the introduction to exchange trading in the WSE Main List of rights to series I bearer ordinary shares of the company ROVESE S.A.

§ 1

Pursuant to § 38.1 and § 38.3 of the WSE Rules and § 1.3 of Chapter 7 of the Detailed Exchange Trading Rules, the WSE Management Board resolves as follows:
1) to introduce as of 3 January 2013 by way of an ordinary procedure to exchange trading in the main market 540,960,106 rights to series I bearer ordinary shares of the company ROVESE S.A. a par value PLN 0.10 each, coded as "PLCRSNT00151" by the National Depository for Securities;
2) to list the rights to bearer ordinary shares of the company ROVESE S.A., mentioned in point 1), in the continuous trading system under the abbreviated name "ROVESE-PDA" and the code "RSEA".

§ 2

This Resolution shall take effect on the date of adoption.

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