2013-01-21 13:32:56

ENERGOMONTA?-PO?UDNIE (Resolution No. 75/2013)

Resolution No. 75/2013
of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
dated 18 January 2013

concerning a special designation of the shares of the company ENERGOMONTA?-PO?UDNIE S.A. on the WSE Main List

§ 1

Pursuant to § 2 of the Resolution No.477/97 of the WSE Management Board dated 22 October 1997 the WSE Management Board resolves that information provided in the Cedu?a Gie?dy Warszawskiej concerning the shares of the company ENERGOMONTA?-PO?UDNIE S.A. shall be specially designated with an ordinal number reference meaning "the court has declared the issuer bankrupt with a possibility of entering into arrangement".

§ 2

Resolution No. 788/2012 of the WSE Management Board dated 10 August 2012 concerning a special designation of the name of shares of the company ENERGOMONTA?-PO?UDNIE S.A. on the WSE Main List shall be null and void.

§ 3

This Resolution shall take effect on the date of adoption.

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