Indigo Sky Capital Corp. announced the addition of two senior business development professionals focused on the law enforcement sector and transit markets. Joining the team is Robert Morrison, Vice President Safety and Security Group and David Stumpo, Liaison to the Transit Market.

Recently retired RCMP Chief Superintendent, Mr. Morrison has 35 years experience in electronic surveillance, covert operations, project management as well as a deep understanding of policing, law enforcement and judicial process. Mr. Morrison will be responsible for synergizing City, County and State Law Enforcement officials with School District personnel to execute on Gatekeeper's license plate reading technology for protecting children from stop arm violators. In addition, Mr. Morrison will lead the Safety and Security Group to develop new sales and business development partnerships throughout the international law enforcement community.

Mr. Stumpo brings over 37 years experience in transit and transportation operations, maintenance, engineering, quality assurance with Bus, Rail, Cable Car, Ferry and Non-Revenue Vehicles and facility design.