Frontera Group, Inc. announced the release of the 3.0 version of its Mixie Holoport immersive reality framework with Extended Reality (XR) support (“Mixie Holoport XR”). Mixie Holoport XR is a National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Product of the Year award winner, setting the benchmark for immersive realism in Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR) applications. Frontera recently acquired the Mixie Holoport IP to enhance Metaverse business applications.

The enterprise-grade Mixie Holoport XR umbrella framework sets the standard for next-generation collaborative environments and human-machine interaction, offering new levels of immersive realism via 360º video playback and intelligent motion tracking capabilities. Mixie Holoport XR engenders intense emotional investment and knowledge retention, leading to memorable, highly impactful user experiences. As a result, viewers interacting with Mixie Holoport XR-enabled applications benefit from experiencing real-world scenarios in training, real estate property tours, distance education, manufacturing, health care and other applications where realism and seamless interactivity are necessary to ensure total user engagement.

From a financial standpoint, Mixie Holoport XR targets organizations seeking to quantify their return on investment (ROI) in the Metaverse.