Nanterre, January 22, 2013

Faurecia, Supélec and ESIGELEC create a chair for teaching & research in "Automotive Mechatronics"

Faurecia, the world's sixth-largest automotive equipment supplier, recently signed a five-year partnership agreement with leading French engineering schools Supélec and ESIGELEC to create a new chair in Automotive Mechatronics.

The new chair, which will promote research, teaching and knowledge-sharing, is set up with the objective of creating a center of expertise for training engineers and researchers in designing electronic systems for the automotive industry. The focus will be on groundbreaking innovations in design, simulation, architecture and development for complex systems used in Faurecia's technical solutions and products.

Through this partnership with Supélec and ESIGELEC, Faurecia aims to develop strong synergy between its own industrial R&D and academic research while benefiting from priority access to new advances in electronics and mechatronics, especially for the design of embedded systems.

Faurecia's various activities will be closely linked to the work of the Chair, which will be based on the company's four core businesses. It will also enhance the appeal of Supélec and ESIGELEC, largely through student projects undertaken during the engineering course. The three partners are seeking to create a center of expertise in electronics for the automotive industry while quickly extending its reach throughout the international scientific community.

"This new chair in teaching and research set up with Supélec and ESIGELEC is part of a partnership strategy that Faurecia has been actively pursuing for the past two years alongside leading engineering schools and research institutes. The addition of new functions and the increasing decentralization of electronics in favor of vehicle subsystems is an opportunity for Faurecia to provide smarter solutions and generate greater value," explains Faurecia's Technology Strategy VP, Christophe Aufrère.

Alain Bravo, Supélec Director General: "This approach to design brings together a number of Supélec research groups, especially through the E3S research team (Supélec Sciences des Systèmes)." These groups work hand in hand with ESIGELEC and its IRSEEM Research Institute, through its Embedded Systems Integration Campus (CISE), which has the facilities needed to loop design into testing.

About Faurecia

Faurecia is the world's sixth-largest automotive equipment supplier with four key Business Groups: Automotive Seating, Emissions Control Technologies, Interior Systems and Automotive Exteriors. In 2011, the Group posted total sales of €16.2 billion ($22.5 billion). At December 31, 2011, Faurecia employed 84,000 people in 33 countries at 270 sites and 40 R&D centers. Faurecia is listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris stock exchange and trades in the U.S. over-the-counter (OTC) market. For more information, visit:
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Founded in 1894, Supélec has come to set the standard in higher education in the field of electric energy and information sciences at its three campuses in Gif-sur-Yvette, Metz and Rennes. It offers a unique gateway to all business sectors. The caliber of its 2,085 students, 264 PhD students and 60 Specialized Masters* programs is recognized around the world. As
with other leading higher-education institutes, Supélec has a threefold mission that spans degree courses, research and continuing education. Supélec is a private institution created as a non-profit association to provide a public service. It operates through five-year contracts with the French government, represented by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, along with the Ministry of Industry.

(*2011 figures)


ESIGELEC provides courses in general engineering with 12 majors, taught in both English and French, focusing on cutting- edge technologies. To provide students with an education in tune with key issues that combines economics, technology and
social studies, ESIGELEC works closely with major companies, competitiveness clusters, government ministries and the EU
through its Embedded Electronic Systems Research Institute, IRSEEM. ESIGELEC ranks among France's leading engineering schools and is privately run in accordance with the country's law on non-profit organizations. ESIGELEC
receives support from the Rouen Chamber of Commerce and Industry and has ties with the Institut Mines-Télécom. The school has had more than 9,000 graduates since 1901 and currently has 2,000 students on its Rouen campus.

Press contacts:

Faurecia Olivier Le Friec Media Relations

Tel: +33 (0)1 72 36 72 58
Cell: +33 (0)6 76 87 30 17


Mariane Dubiez
Tel: +33 (0)1 69 85 12 67


Sandra Saas
Tel: +33 (0)2 32 91 58 58
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