Fancl Corporation revised dividend forecast for the Interim period and the end of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025. For the Interim period, the company expected that dividend will not be paid, previously forecast was JPY 17.00 per share.

For the fiscal year ending, the company expected that dividend will not be paid, previously forecast was JPY 17.00 per share. Reasons for Revision: At the Board of Directors meeting held June 14, 2024, the Company resolved (i) to express its affirmative opinion regarding the Tender Offer, and (ii) to recommend the Company's shareholders to tender in the Tender Offer, and to leave the decision up to the owners of the Stock Acquisition Rights (the "Stock Acquisition Rights Holders") as to whether or not to tender in the Tender Offer. Such resolution of the Board of Directors was made upon the premise that the Company Shares are scheduled to be delisted due to the implementation by the Tender Offeror of the Tender Offer and the subsequent series of procedures.