06/01/2014, CET 15:30

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The parties discussed the need of enhancing the domestic gas production by tapping the vast potential of the Country, especially in the exploitation of shale gas and ultra deep offshore exploration which are areas where Eni can contribute with its significant know how and expertise.

Karachi, 6 January 2014 - Shahid Khaqqan Abbasi, Pakistan's Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources, and Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Eni, met in Karachi to discuss Eni's projects and activities in the Country.

The parties discussed the need of enhancing the domestic gas production by tapping the vast potential of the Country, especially in the exploitation of shale gas and ultra deep offshore exploration which are areas where Eni can contribute with its significant know how and expertise.

The Minister recounted the measures implemented by the government to attract investment to find new energy resources and expressed the government's resolve to institute appropriate policy where such action is needed.
Further cooperation between Eni and the Pakistan NOCs was also emphasized.

Eni has been present in Pakistan since 2000 and is the largest oil and gas producer among the foreign companies operating in the country. In 2012, the company's hydrocarbon equity production averaged approximately 57,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

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