Belgium and Engie signed an agreement on Monday to extend the operational life of two nuclear reactors, Doel 4 and Tihange 3, by ten years, for a total production capacity of two gigawatts, the French energy group said.

Speaking at a press conference after a meeting with his key ministers, Belgian Prime Minister Alexandre De Croo described the measure as "crucial to guaranteeing the country's energy security".

He indicated that all the details of the agreement had not yet been finalized.

Engie described the agreement in principle as an "important step", as it defines "the framework for a cap on future costs related to the treatment of nuclear waste" and enables "the immediate launch of environmental and technical studies prior to obtaining the authorizations linked to this extension".

In a press release, the French group added that both parties had thus confirmed "their objective to make their best efforts to restart the Doel 4 and Tihange 3 nuclear units in November 2026". (Written by Jean Terzian, with Charlotte Van Campenhout in Brussels)