The board of directors of Energy International Investments Holdings Limited announced that Mr. Lan Yongqiang (Mr. Lan) will step down as the chairman of the Board with effect from 7 April 2022 and remain as an executive Director. The Board announced that Mr. Cao Sheng (Mr. Cao), an executive Director, was appointed as the Chairman with effect from 7 April 2022. Mr. Cao Sheng was appointed as an executive Director in March 2018.

Mr. Cao is currently a director of iECO Financial Consulting Limited. The Board announced that Mr. Liu Yong (Mr. Liu) was appointed as an executive Director. Mr. Liu has extensive financial and management experiences in government authorities and privately owned enterprises in the PRC.

The Board announced that Mr. Yu Zhiyong (Mr. Yu) resigned as an executive Director with effect from 7 April 2022, due to his other business engagements which require more of his time. The Board announced that Mr. Shi Jun (Mr. Shi) was appointed as an executive Director with effect from 7 April 2022. The Board announces that Mr. Lan ceased to be an authorised representative of the company pursuant to Rule 3.05 of the Listing Rules and Mr. Cao was appointed as an Authorised Representative with effect from 7 April 2022.