Enbridge Inc. shut down and isolated its Line 67 pipeline south of Regina, Saskatchewan at approximately 10:50 a.m. MDT on January 18, 2014 after a release from the pumping station piping within the Rowatt Station. An initial investigation has determined the release occurred within the facility, and that all free product was contained on site. Due to high winds, some spray landed on the snow of an adjacent farm field and has been picked up.

All regulatory and provincial officials, including emergency response officials, have been notified and the source of the release has been contained. Initial estimates place the volume of the release at up to 125 barrels. There is no impact to the public, wildlife or waterways.

Enbridge first responders with clean-up and response equipment are on-site, and expect the cleanup to be completed this weekend. The pumping station has been isolated and Line 67 was restarted just before 9:20 p.m. MDT, the same day.